The ‘Clean Break’ Plan
TFS: So give us something tangible, that we can take from this, so we have a handle on what the book’s really driving at.
IRmep:….we’ve got to have people working on policy issues who are ideal…who have a background that is not compromised…they should have a demonstrated experience, but they shouldn’t be so closely identified with a foreign government in this case, and they shouldn’t be identified with framing policy and then selling it to the US as US policy…
TFS: What happened, were there people who worked for other governments…helping with this policy in the US?
IRmep: Well, Douglas Feith our under secretary of Defense, who was very influential in channeling intelligence about Iraq supporting the WMD position, he was one of the authors of this paper. It has already led many Americans to question what policy he was pursuing, whether it was really in the interest of the US, and whether he was channeling bogus intelligence to further policy positions he’s always had…LISTEN TO AUDIO OF THE FULL INTERVIEW