Five years after 9/11, US foreign policy still suffers the scorn of most of the Middle East, a growing number of Americans and invites a terror response from a small number of extremists. The brutalization of Palestinians and gradual Israeli occupation of their lands continues unabated and with tacit Bush administration approval. This central regional conflict, a key motivator of the attacks, according to the 9/11 Commission Report, could be ended with firm American resolve. Instead, recognizing the 9/11-Israel occupation link and any action has been stifled by the shock troops of the Israel lobby. Worse, a cadre of highly compromised American policymakers have saddled the US with its own brutal occupation, Iraq, under the dubious justification of responding to the 9/11 attacks. As US policy continues to invite terrorism retaliation against all US citizens, the coming “accountability moment” at the polls may achieve a turn away from the final disaster urged on by Neoconservatives and other partisans of the Israel lobby: a US nuclear attack on Iran.
Grant Smith discusses the flaws of neoconservative foreign policy theories (You Tube)