Voice of America – Inter American Forum

Roger Noriega (American Enterprise Institute)and former undersecretary of State: “You really have to go out of your way to reach out to one of the four biggest rogue states in the world, Iran, which is recognized as a pariah by all the respectable countries of the world. So unfortunately, President Ortega seems to be going back to the past.”

Grant Smith (IRmep): “Let’s just look at who is saying that. Noriega (Roger) was up to his elbows in the US Contra war against Nicaragua in the 1980’s. He’s got his agenda, but I don’t think his agenda is either open or very rationally thought out….Ronald Reagan after all told us that Nicaragua had the capability to invade Texas….”
Adriana Amat: And so you say Iran is obviously a terrorist state?
Grant Smith: No, I didn’t say that Iran is a terrorist state, the Bush Administration is naming them, indirectly.
Adriana Amat: Fine, the Bush administration and ambassador Paul Trivolli. But where I’m going with this is the following, Grant. Iran is a threat for the United States, but the fact that they are allying with persons such as Daniel Ortega, or Hugo Chavez, really should be worrisome?
Grant Smith: No. Before anything, I am not in agreement that Iran is some big threat to the United States.
Adriana Amat: But you agree that it is a dangerous partner for country like Nicaragua?
Grant Smith: Sure, it is an ally that the Bush administration considers dangerous. But let’s look at who says they are such a dangerous ally. Let’s look at who is saying that. Noriega (Roger) was up to his elbows in the US Contra war against Nicaragua in the 1980’s. He’s got his agenda, but I don’t think his agenda is either open or very rationally thought out. The US can have a great deal of problems with Iran, in the Gulf, if there is an armed conflict, because the Iranians have the capability of shutting down petroleum flow through the Gulf. The US is preoccupied by the nuclear program. But Iran the great threat? Right now? Against the United States? And our domestic interests? I think it’s a little inflated sometimes the rhetorical warfare that’s coming out of Washington.
Adriana Amat: Excellent, for clarifying that point.
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