“In this book, Grant Smith renders a vital public service by providing chapter-and-verse evidence that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee–Israel’s U.S. lobby–is the agent of a foreign government and has violated public law for years in ways that seriously harm U.S. national interests.”-Paul Findley, former US Congressman
“For those who want to understand how AIPAC and the Israel lobby have hijacked the American political process, Grant Smith’s Foreign Agents is required reading.-Jeffrey Blankfort hosts the international affairs program “Takes on the World” on KZYX Pacifica Radio in Mendocino, California.
“Wealthy, powerful, almost covert, with the proven capability of strongly influencing the media as well as both parties in Congress and the White House, AIPAC’s omnipresent, little-known activities demand the public scrutiny that Foreign Agents initiates.” -Ambassador Edward L. Peck is former Chief of Mission in Iraq and Former Deputy Director, White House Cabinet Task Force on Terrorism
“AIPAC has proved itself to be a danger to our democracy by using money and political power to benefit a foreign government, all at the expense of the American taxpayer. Grant Smith has done a great deal of powerful research to bring facts that will benefit us all when making decisions as to who we vote for.” -Senator James G. Abourezk
“Grant Smith has produced a momentous scholarly work that reveals an eye-opening picture of the carefully guarded operations of the Israeli lobby and its unparalleled influence over US policy in the Middle East. What makes this daringly debunking research work convincing and its arguments irrefutable is the fact that it steers past the dangers of the conspiracy theories surrounding the Israeli lobby by drawing exclusively on official government and/or public sources of information. Foreign Agents is a must read primer for anyone interested in making sense of our government’s policy in the Middle East and its implications for our domestic politics and priorities.” -Ismael Hossein-Zadeh Ph.D. is Professor of Economics at Drake University and Author of the book “The Political Economy of US Militarism”
“In Foreign Agents, Grant Smith has drawn together the historical threads of a foreign lobby group that has managed to slip between the cracks despite its connection to numerous illegal activities in the United States. Foreign Agents reveals what every American citizen should know about AIPAC, the Israeli lobby which holds sway over many US politicians, and hence US politics, often to the detriment of US interests. A must read book.”
-Kim Petersen is the co-editor of the Dissident Voice newsletter
“Grant F. Smith’s book provides a superb review of the efforts that have been made to expose the Israel lobby from 1963 to 2005. Smith’s work is extremely well researched. He gathers together documents, testimony from closed-door hearings, and news articles that most Americans have totally forgotten… His work is monumental.”
–Richard Curtiss executive editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
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