Artur Davis and Eric Cantor

“John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt are at it again, attempting to poison the well of American politics with their misleading depiction of an Israeli stranglehold on presidential candidates and elected officials like us….It is uncertain if Mearsheimer and Walt understand that their attack on the ‘Israel lobby’ sounds an ugly tone. One wonders if their outrage over what they patronizingly call the ‘lobby’ extends to American corporations, or unions, or to the evangelical community, or the black community, all of whom vigorously engage the political process in pursuit of their values. If their disdain is as selective as we suspect, what a shameful aspersion on a faith and a nation. “
Grant Smith

“Congress used to house leaders of sufficient stature to question and investigate foreign lobbying. Senator Fulbright investigated the Israel lobby in 1963 discovering $5 million dollars laundered in from the Jewish Agency in Israel to fund startup lobbying, public relations, and think tanks to target Americans advocating policies perceived to be ‘against Israeli interests’. This seed has grown into a juggernaut that few now dare cross. US corporations, unions, and religious organizations have a right to lobby, however the Foreign Agents Registration Act requires all foreign lobbyists to register. The Israel lobby refuses. Eric Cantor has taken $112,230 in Israel PAC donations over his career; Arthur Davis has taken $80,067. Congress is very well paid not to understand this problem. However average Americans are beginning to perceive the foreign agency that Fulbright uncovered forty years ago.”