Think Tank Watch
The exposure of Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban’s efforts to secure superdelegate support for Democratic Party presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton could spell disaster for AIPAC political appointees. Martin Indyk, Dennis Ross, and Kenneth Pollack who lead AIPAC policy front organizations would very likely receive National Security Council and US State Department positions if Clinton becomes president. The public exposure of Saban’s scheme to secure support of two superdelegates in exchange for a US $1 million contribution to the tax exempt nonprofit 527 group Young Democrats of America may have broken various laws. Haim Saban was a key financial donor to Bill Clinton’s campaign for the presidency, AIPAC’s numerous campus outreach programs, as well as the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution. Saban’s desperate quid-pro-quo reveals how critical securing influential positions for its groomed and vetted operatives in an incoming Clinton administration is to AIPAC. Given their past performance in government, this team would likely stall and undermine Middle East peace initiatives, turn a blind eye to illegal Israeli West Bank colonization, and possibly launch a military campaign against Iran.