A Washington-based research group has posted clips online that underscore how the powerful American Israel Public Affairs Committee endangers the US and its people…The use of the words ”endanger America” was evocative, clearly demonstrating that both American interests and American people are being endangered by these policies….This places America in the cross-hairs of both sides: Those who believe that terrorism is the primary threat to US security, and those who believe that terrorism has its root causes, specifically the long-standing Israeli occupation of Palestine and the role played by Aipac in ensuring that the US government and political leadership continues to favour Israel even while publicly claiming to be an ”honest broker”. More
How does AIPAC endanger America? Workshop videos now online
Video from the March 3, 2012 workshop “AIPAC: What it is, who its allies are, why it’s dangerous and how to stop it” sessions are now available over the Internet. Turn off HD (high definition) for faster video streaming.
AIPAC History Proto-AIPAC’s incubation in the Israeli embassy in 1948. Strategic direction-setting by the Mossad and Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Confrontations with the Eisenhower and Kennedy Administrations and the secret battle over registration as an Israeli foreign agent. FBI espionage investigations of AIPAC. AIPAC and the clandestine Israeli nuclear weapons program. The grassroots fight for transparency, regulatory oversight and accountability. Presented by Grant F. Smith, Director of IRmep. http://vimeo.com/40544530
AIPAC Political Power US politicians and the Israel lobby campaign finance network. Why Israel political action committees use confusing and misleading names. How ostensibly independent political action committees are coordinated to avoid contribution limits imposed on other industries. How AIPAC has directed PAC contributions to chosen candidates. How to track stealth Israel PAC contributions to your representative. Presented by Janet McMahon, Managing Editor of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
AIPAC and the Media Why establishment media outlets consistently fail to present an accurate picture of Palestinian vs Israeli casualties in the ongoing conflict. Why the background and motives of key Middle East reporters prevents Americans from receiving accurate reporting. Enduring myths about Israel’s value as a US ally. How to counteract the disinformation network. Presented by Alison Weir, President of the Council for the National Interest and Founder of If Americans Knew. http://vimeo.com/40562968
Promoting Islamophobia AIPAC’s role in promoting Muslim “otherness.” The Clash of Civilization policy framework, why is it of strategic value to Israel, especially after the Cold War? Who funds Islamophobia in the United States? What can be done about it? Presented by Hatem Bazian. http://vimeo.com/40588460
Exposing, Challenging and Stopping AIPAC Why aren’t operatives and their organizations (WINEP, FDD, FPI, AEI, JINSA) ever properly identified in the mainstream media? Are AIPAC and the larger network of organizations vying to operate as an “alternative government?” How can proven tactics to confront dangerous policy be implemented in the Internet age? Presented by Jeffrey Blankfort. http://vimeo.com/40627216
“Occupy AIPAC” and “Move Over AIPAC” are annual Washington DC gatherings of over 100 organizations organized by Code Pink to challenge and present alternatives to dangerous and costly Middle East policies. The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) is a Washington, DC based organization that studies US Middle East policy formulation. The Council for the National Interest works for U.S. Middle East policies that serve the national interest. If Americans Knew is dedicated to providing Americans with everything they need to know about Israel and Palestine. The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs is a magazine published to provide the American public with balanced and accurate information concerning U.S. relations with Middle Eastern states.