The IRS received a �13909� petition (PDF) from IRmep’s Center for Policy and Law enforcement urging it not to restore the tax-exempt status of the Zionist Organization of America. The ZOA recently lost its tax-exempt status after failing to file tax returns for three consecutive years from 2008 to 2010. A Washington Report on Middle East Affairs January/February special report surveys ZOA’s controversial history, including heavy use of tax-deductible funding for undisclosed lobbying activities and questionable executive compensation policies. ZOA tax returns recently provided to IRmep by the IRS reveal that in 2007 only ten donors provided 80% of ZOA’s total public support. The IRS retained no records justifying why ZOA was ever granted tax-exempt status, and ZOA must submit a new application in order to regain the ability to accept tax-deductible contributions.
Recently declassified National Archives records reveal the Justice Department ordered ZOA to register as an Israeli foreign agent on seven separate occasions. The Justice Department is legally required to provide public access to all registrant records under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act. ZOA executives Zalman Shapiro and Ivan Novick operated the NUMEC Apollo Industries corporations in the 1960s. According to public records, FBI and CIA officials believed NUMEC diverted enough weapons-grade uranium to Israel to manufacture dozens of weapons….More