In 2016 IRmep filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging U.S. foreign aid to Israel and a 2012 federal gag order on the release of information about Israel’s nuclear weapons program. News of the lawsuit generated headlines around the world.
Now in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, courtroom action is again heating up as the Department of Justice prepares to file its long-delayed appellee brief on November 8. Join IRmep Director of Research Grant F. Smith for a lively presentation and Q&A session about this potentially ground-breaking lawsuit.
Topics will include:
1. What are the overall goals of the lawsuit challenging the nuclear gag order and foreign aid?
2. What is WPN-136, “the Israel nuclear gag-order,” and why is it important?
3. What are the Symington and Glenn amendments to the US Arms Export Control Act? How do they impact aid to clandestine nuclear weapons countries?
4. Have any parties ever sued to stop U.S. foreign aid to Israel? If so, what happened to their cases?
5. What happened to IRmep’s attempt to enjoin U.S. foreign aid to Israel in the Lower Court? What is happening in the Court of Appeals?
6. What gives IRmep standing to sue on such matters?
7. What other related lawsuits has IRmep filed, on secret CIA aid to Israel, U.S. Treasury Department activities, and the diversion of US weapons grade uranium to Israel, and how are they doing?
8. What tactics do defendants commonly deploy in responding? How much leniency do they commonly obtain from judges?
All conference call registrants will receive an access code, email reminders, a numbered soft copy of materials presented online, and the opportunity to submit questions. This conference call will be recorded.