IRmep Poll: “A major Israeli human rights nonprofit says apartheid is rampant inside Israel & territories it occupies. Should Israel continue to be the leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid?”
Votes 5.00
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, May 2021, p. 16
IRmep Polls, Telling Hard Truths Since 2014
By Grant F. Smith
B’TSELEM found growing apartheid inside Israel and controlled territories. Given that reality, a 38.1 percent plurality of Americans say Israel should not be a leading U.S. aid recipient. Our upcoming conference focuses on Israel, its U.S. lobby and the apartheid question.
Israeli NGO B’Tselem’s January 2021 report, “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid,” repeated claims made for many years by Palestinian and regional researchers as well as travelers to the region. Israel not only operates a de facto apartheid regime within territories it militarily controls, it also has implemented a robust apartheid system domestically.
B’Tselem is a Jerusalem-based non-profit organization. It documents human rights violations in Israel, Israeli-occupied territories, combats official and news media denial of the existence of such violations, and works to create a human rights culture in Israel. B’Tselem was founded in 1989 with the support of ten Knesset members and a large group of Israeli lawyers, academics and medical professionals.
When advised that such a major Israeli human rights nonprofit found widespread apartheid inside Israel and occupied territories, a plurality of Americans (38.1 percent) said Israel should no longer be the leading recipient of U.S. foreign aid, while 33 percent said it should be a leading aid recipient.
Regional differences in opinion varied, with pluralities of 43.4 percent of Northeasterners, 39.1 percent of Midwesterners and 36.2 percent of Westerners saying Israel should not be a leading U.S. aid recipient. 36.4 percent of Southerners said Israel should not be a leading aid recipient, while 36.1 percent said it should.
Note: Join the conversation! The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy are hosting the latest edition of the IsraelLobbyCon series focused on the Israel lobby and apartheid themed, “End U.S. Support for Israeli Apartheid?” on April 17 and 24.
Source: IRmep representative poll of 2,194 American adults through Google Surveys on March 22-25, 2021. Answer order randomly reversed. RMSE score sample bias 5.7 percent.
Grant F. Smith is the director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, DC. For more IRmep polls, visit Smith’s latest book, The Israel Lobby Enters State Government, is available at Middle East Books and More.