IRmep presentation at the Palestine Center’s annual conference. It covered how the Gallup Organization’s misleading polls about U.S. “sympathy” for Israel would have been deployed to falsely claim Americans support the Trump-Kushner-Friedman-Greenblatt Middle East “Deal of the Century,” much like they have been used by the Congressional Research Service to insinuate Americans support massive U.S. foreign assistance to Israel. How Gallup was confronted until it finally admitted its bellwether poll was biased. What most Americans really think about the principle of the economic “Deal of the Century.” How Virginians view their own mini “Deal of the Century” advanced by Israel partisans placed inside their own state government by Israel lobby campaign contributions. The relative policy influence potential of the public opinions of the American majority vs economic elites and interest groups, in this case the U.S. Israel advocacy ecosystem. Slides (PDF) Audio (MP3) Video (YouTube)