IRmep on the Diane Rehm Show – National Public Radio
Steve Roberts, Syndicated Columnist: The big solution that is supposed to come out of the Baker-Hamilton commission is somehow expanded Middle East Discussions, bring in Iran, bring in Syria. He made the point that Iran has been extremely recalcitrant on its nuclear program. Syria has been equally recalcitrant if not more so. They helped assassinate a leading Christian, the evidence is pretty clear, they helped assassinate a leading Christian politician just last week…
Diane Rehm, host: And here’s an email from Grant (Smith, director of research at IRmep) who says “your guest stated that Syria was involved in the assassination of a ‘Christian Politician’. There is no hard evidence of that. Is it the Israeli propaganda hour now?
Steve Roberts, Syndicated Columnist: That’s a very unfair comment, the “Israeli propaganda hour.” If anybody in this government doubts, or any thinking person doubts that Syria was involved in the assassination of Pierre Geymayel, I’d like to know that…
Diane Rehm, host: I wonder if we do have any proof?
Steve Roberts, Syndicated Columnist: I didn’t say there was proof. But there is an international investigation going on into the assassination of Rafic Hariri, and other politicians. Syria has done everything to try to block that investigation. Every bit of evidence we have, in the long history here, is of a violent intervention in Lebanon, and I don’t know anybody who knows anything about that region, who doubts that Syria is involved in that assassination. It has nothing to do with Israeli propaganda.
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