WASHINGTON, March 27, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — On March 18, 2014 ISCAP, the highest declassification authority in the U.S., released 84 pages (PDF) of formerly secret information about investigations into the illegal diversion of weapons-grade nuclear material from a Pennsylvania plant…
FBI investigates Israel Bond sellers as unregistered foreign agents – Israel Lobby Archive
Founders of the U.S.-based sales corporation for Israel bonds included the unindicted ringleader of the Sonneborn network of conventional arms smuggling fronts, Rudolph Sonneborn, and the North America financier for Israel’s clandestine…
Admitted Spy Shows up for Oscars—and Wins
An FBI spokeswoman in Los Angeles would not tell Under the Radar if the bureau planned to interview Milchan or DeNiro in connection with what they said in the Israeli interview. �As a matter…
United States “Lousy” at Keeping Nuclear Weapons Tech and Material from Israel
IRmep Director Grant F. Smith questions former Nuclear Security Administration official about NUMEC, Arnon Milchan, Telegy smuggling oscillators as examples that the United States does not adequately protect facilities from Israeli nuclear…
National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” in Washington on March 7
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ The March 7 National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” at the National Press Club will present the following experts: Former Congressman Paul Findley is the author…
America’s first National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” on March 7 in Washington
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ America’s first National Summit to Reassess the U.S.-Israel “Special Relationship” will be held in the ballroom of the National Press Club on March 7 in Washington, DC. U.S. financial,…
Former Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer Wrong Choice for Fed
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Former Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer is the wrong choice for vice chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board. According to an IRmep research report: 1. Fischer supports extreme anti-Iran…
AIPAC’s Fed Candidate Stanley Fischer on a Warpath against Iran
The rushed campaign to insert Stanley Fischer straight from his position leading Israel’s central bank into the number two spot at the Federal Reserve has allowed little time for research into the…
Special Report: Don’t Hold Your Breath: Blockbuster Movies Hollywood Will Never Make
…The “Bamboozle” or “Fraudster” Flick Long a favorite Hollywood category, these movies take a major Ponzi scheme or financial industry swindle and give the audience a meaningful back-story. “American Greed” is the story of Samuel Israel’s $450…
How Israel’s lobby will try to undermine an Iran deal favored 2-1 by Americans
“Takes on the World” radio host Jeffrey Blankfort and Grant Smith of IRmep discuss the high domestic costs of Israel lobby mandated economic sanctions, the secret origins of Israel lobbying organizations in…
FBI Investigated Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for Espionage
“Quashed case” mystery solved: culprit is once again secret Israeli intervention 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the infamous “Anti-Defamation League (ADL) files controversy” in which the ADL was discovered infiltrating, spying…
Hollywood Producer / Spy Arnon Milchan Played a Key Role in Israel’s Nuke Program
..Here’s what Smyth told FBI agents in Los Angeles (via IRMEP): Smyth details his recruitment by Arnon Milchan, meetings with Benjamin Netanyahu who then worked at smuggling front Heli Trading (Milchan Brothers Trading…
WSJ NUMEC report “Mystery Remains on Missing Uranium” Fails Readers
IRmep fills in John Emshwiller’s many information gaps The November 22, 2013 Wall Street Journal report by John R. Emshwiller attempts to update readers about the story of a 1960s Israeli diversion of nuclear…
JFK anniversary should be commemorated as “National Ignorance Day”
The fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy is largely being trivialized in elite U.S. corporate media. Regardless of what one thinks of JFK’s legacy, one significant outcome to his killing should be better…
Why is it so easy to obtain FBI files on Soviet spies, but impossible for Israel’s spies?
Soviet espionage expert David Wise wrote about the first mole hunt in the FBI. On C-SPANs Washington Journal, IRmep Research Director Grant F. Smith asks Wise, given his success in obtaining information about…
Ten Explosive U.S. Government Secrets about Israel
Absent greater transparency, Americans should assume the worst In 1968 Director of Central Intelligence Richard Helms wrote urgently to Attorney General Ramsey Clark and President Lyndon B. Johnson that some highly enriched…
IRmep forces Washington Post to correct US-Israel nuclear weapons cooperation claim
After a comprehensive debunking by IRmep, the Washington Post quietly corrected a Walter Pincus report that implied the U.S. was supporting Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. On November 28, 2012 national security reporter Walter…
The Israel Lobby Cowbird
How is the Israel lobby like a swarm of cowbirds? Cowbirds use the devious strategy of brood parasitism, arriving at the nest of more parentally-oriented birds to lay their own eggs. Cowbirds…
Neocon Twilight?
Bruce Fein and Grant F. Smith debate whether it is time to celebrate the demise of the neoconservative grip on U.S. Middle East policy. Fein reviews the overwhelming public refusal to approve…