…When Congress has had to choose between providing funds for Israel and for America’s cities, it has strictly been no contest. Whereas, by the summer of 1992, 240 members of the House…
5 Dirty Tricks AIPAC Uses Against Congress
When you’re already the biggest stealth lobby of any foreign government, respecting the law just doesn’t pay. Many lobbyists work aggressively to get their way on Capitol Hill by bundling donor contributions,…
Syria “chemical attack” fits profile of an Israeli false flag
“Hurrah” stage requires U.S. rush to judgment …In many ways, elaborate false flag operations resemble the core stages of a confidence game or swindle. First there is foundation work and preparations laid…
Israel: a huge liability on American foreign policy balance sheet
What is the difference between U.S. aid to Egypt and Israel? Why is the appointment of Martin Indyk to represent the U.S. in peace negotiations such a terrible move? What are some Arab states…
Cost of 1984 Martin Indyk / AIPAC secret theft from American industry reaches $100 billion
There are many reasons why naming Martin Indyk the special envoy to mediate between Israel and Palestine is a bad idea. Marinated in Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban’s largess at Brookings Institute, many observers have noted Indyk’s previous failures as a…
Are ADL operatives “unofficial auxiliaries of the Department of Justice?” – Israel Lobby Archive
Today the Israel Lobby Archive releases an additional 850 pages of FBI files about the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The files cover the period 1942-1949. Key…
Obama’s NUMEC Nuclear Diversion Cover-Up
Real polluters unlikely to pay if government maintains lid on toxic secrets The U.S. Department of Defense guided the National Security Council’s development of an official Obama administration position on the U.S….
The Strange History of the Anti-Defamation League – Jeffrey Blankfort
“…In that year, a 1947 Congressional hearing revealed, it had begun providing information on the recently formed National Lawyers Guild and on individuals applying for federal civil service jobs and some who…
The Iraq War Scam: Half-year’s US GDP went into Iraqi burn pit: same people now after Iran
Brooking’s Michael O’Hanlon flees panel debate after tough questions with Antiwar’s Kelly Vlahos and IRmep’s Grant Smith on “Crosstalk.”
FBI Files reveal Anti-Defamation League spied on Arab students
…In the late 1960s, the OAS worked hard to unite visiting Arab international students studying in the US with Arab-American counterparts interested in connecting to developments in the region, primarily in Palestine….
NNewseum should stop honoring convicted felon, terrorism gun runner
Hank Greenspun was a convicted felon who, according to his FBI file, in the late forties stole .50 calibre machine guns from the US Navy and violated Arms Export control laws in…
Friends of Israel Defense Forces Raises $27 Million Under NY Media’s Radar – Jeffrey Blankfort
…True to that motto, the money this �charity� raises benefits exclusively the soldiers of a foreign country that has not fought a war longer than 33 days in 40 years and whose…
The Deadliest Israel Lobby Conspiracy Theories
Mainstream media awash in false accusations Photo credit: Getty Establishment news media outlets are awash in new Israel lobby conspiracy theories. This is puzzling since major media organizations seem capable of presenting…
Las Vegas and Israel: The Early Years
A Las Vegas media empire funded with profits from smuggling arms to Jewish guerrillas in Palestine? Sounds about right. Recently declassified FBI documents on the case of legendary newspaper editor and onetime…
FBI files: “Hank” Greenspun parlayed profits from Israel arms smuggling into Las Vegas media empire
The FBI declassified 775 pages about former Las Vegas Sun newspaper editor Herman “Hank” Milton Greenspun (1909-1989). Released under FOIA in January, files telling the story of how Greenspun parlayed profits from…
1963: The year the Israel Lobby Transcended US Law
Fifty years ago this May, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee opened a series of unprecedented hearings investigating the clandestine activities of foreign agents active in the United States. The investigation focused most intensively on…
50 Years since the Fulbright hearings and Foreign Agent Registration orders on the Israel lobby
Intro “Takes on the World” radio host Jeffrey Blankfort discusses ten year anniversary of Iraq war, how architects are now pushing for an attack on Iran, 50 year anniversary of Senator Fulbright and…
FBI counterespionage video release reopens concerns about Israel Aerospace Industries
https://youtu.be/UKaL-adh1T4 On March 21, 2012 U.S. prosecutors played FBI surveillance video in court of former NASA employee Stewart Nozette agreeing to sell U.S. government secrets to Israel. Nozette was then sentenced to…
Why Americans are turning away from Israel and its U.S. lobby
https://youtu.be/z8rLB0ETk-M Grant F. Smith, research director of IRmep, briefs several hundred Houston area non-profit and business leaders about why Americans are turning away from Israel and challenging Israel’s U.S. lobby. Review of major…