WASHINGTON-Declassified FBI files reveal details of the founder of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) early coordination with the head of Mossad and the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs. The 198-page…
Occupy activists fear that America’s pro-Israeli lobbyists want a war
�…Last year we galvanised the Palestine crowd but no one else seemed very interested,� says 24-year-old student Sasha Gelzin, one of the coordinators of Occupy AIPAC. �This year you’ve had the Arab…
The Mossad Has Long Given Marching Orders to AIPAC
AIPAC’s Washington policy conference next month is drawing intense scrutiny and unprecedented resistance. AIPAC has worked quietly for years to tripwire the United States into war with Iran. Soon it will “ask” Congress and the…
AIPAC Opposes IRmep Court Brief Alleging Secrets Trafficking, Foreign Agency and Politician Funding
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is attempting to block a brief filed by Director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep) Grant F. Smith in the DC Court…
AIPAC Director’s Use of Classified Missile Data Harmed National Security – State Department
WASHINGTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Newly released US Department of State investigation files reveal how the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) acquisition of classified US national defense information harmed national security. (Web documents) In 1976…
AIPAC Obtained Missile Secrets
Declassified State Department files newly relevant Author Norman F. Dacey made powerful enemies. He turned the cozy estate-planning industry upside-down after publishing How to Avoid Probate in 1965. The book sold 2 million copies…
AIPAC Tries to Bamboozle DC Appeals Court
Classified information claims easily debunked On Feb. 14, 2012, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee will deliver oral arguments to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. At issue is whether AIPAC defamed…
The diversion of US weapons-grade uranium to Israel
Listen now! Jeffrey Blankfort, host of the KZYX radio program “Takes on the World,” interviews Grant F. Smith about the forthcoming book Divert! NUMEC, Zalman Shapiro and the Diversion of US Weapons Grade Uranium into the…
Secret trade report obtained by AIPAC and Israel compromised sensitive US industry secrets
WASHINGTON, Dec 13, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) — Following a three year Freedom of Information Act battle, US Trade Ambassador Ron Kirk has been forced to publicly release a secret report about America’s…
AIPAC Economic Warfare Also Targets US
From Stolen US Trade Secrets to Iran’s Central Bank The American Israel Public Affairs Committee is trumpeting tough new sanctions against Iran’s Central Bank. This financial blockade will likely drive up global energy prices…
Secret CIA/FBI files of NUMEC nuclear diversions to Israel could aid $170 million toxic cleanup
Washington, DC: Recently declassified wiretap transcripts of conversations between Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) founder Zalman Shapiro and venture capitalist David Lowenthal reveal that illegal storage practices led to a dangerous…
Americans Pay Dearly to Maintain Israel’s Nuclear Secrets
CIA endangers NUMEC toxic waste cleanup The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has just stopped its $170 million nuclear waste dump cleanup at a former Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) site in…
AIPAC/Israel should stop stealing US secrets
The Jewish Week 9/08/2011 The Jewish Week 9/07/2011Grant F. Smith Douglas Bloomfield smithg.jpg (3545 bytes)At some point, Douglas Bloomfield needs to explain to Americans why AIPAC obtained classified, business confidential information submitted…
AIPAC Congressional Lobbying Junkets to Israel Illegal Charges IRS and DOJ Filing
A complaint filed today with the IRS and Justice Department charges the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF) is a “sham” charitable organization of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The AIEF, a…
FBI monitoring Israelis a bad use of resources
The Jewish Week 9/07/2011 Douglas Bloomfield “I had only assumed AIPAC’s phones were being tapped until we got a visit from a job seeker claiming to be a Pentagon intelligence officer. He told…
Selective FARA Enforcement: Pakistan’s Alleged Agents Prosecuted, Israel’s Ignored
By Grant F. Smith On the surface the Justice Department’s (DOJ) recent criminal complaint against associates of the nonprofit Kashmiri American Council (KAC) seems like a legitimate application of the 1938 Foreign…
Complaint against Congressional trips to Israel organized by the American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF)
The American Israel Education Foundation (AIEF), which organizes the aforementioned Congressional delegations to Israel, is not a separate entity from the lobby group American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). The groups share…
Does AIPAC Have Only Two Major Donors?
Mystery unfolds as members of Congress head to Israel A large congressional delegation is heading for Israel. During three weeks of recess, 55 Republicans and 26 Democrats will enjoy “educational” trips funded by the American…
IRmep wins Interagency Security Classification Panel appeal
On July 22, 2011 the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy won a major victory toward public release of a classified document illegally obtained by the Israeli government and passed to the…
How to Lobby for a Foreign Government (and not get arrested)
…There is another way, which is to use institutional subterfuges and the sheer clout of the lobby itself to escape prosecution under the FARA. The Israel lobby has managed to do this….