The recent Democratic Party take-over of the House and Senate has opened new leadership positions in many key committees. Representative Jane Harman is a six-term member of Congress who was widely thought…
Voters Insist on Qualified and Uncompromised Middle East Policymakers
Radio Interview Mendicino Public Radio KZYX “…there is a group that is as rabidly blinded [as the neocons] on the Democratic side that is chomping at the bit to bring their dogma…
Price Earnings Ratios Still Matter
AL-EQTISADIAH NEWSPAPER Emerging Arab Equities Markets The crash of the Saudi stock market in many respects has been different than the most recent crash affecting US investors. From September 2000 to January…
Israel Lobby Initiates Hispanic Strategy
“Invademos a Iran” AIPAC, the tip of the Israel lobby spear in Washington, began an executive search for a Deputy Director for Hispanic Outreach (PDF) in August of 2006. Reporting directly to AIPAC’s…
A “Clean Break” From Law: Espionage and Engineering the War In Iraq by Nathan Hamme
Falls Church News-Press “The question of whether this document amounts to an engineered coup of American foreign policy control by a non-governmental institution, Smith noted, is dependent largely upon your definition of…
A “Clean Break” From Law: Espionage and Engineering the War In Iraq by Nathan Hamme
Falls Church News-Press “The question of whether this document amounts to an engineered coup of American foreign policy control by a non-governmental institution, Smith noted, is dependent largely upon your definition of…
US Foreign Policy and Terrorism: Still Inviting Attacks
Five years after 9/11, US foreign policy still suffers the scorn of most of the Middle East, a growing number of Americans and invites a terror response from a small number of…
Secret Prisons and the Geneva Convention
VOA Panel Discussion It is not clear that Republican members of Congress are going to accept a military tribunal process that permits secret evidence, hearsay evidence, or testimony extracted under trauma. The…
The Clean Break Plan: A Conspiracy of Theories?
12:30-2:00 p.m Public Forum – The Palestine Center After being elected as Israel’s Prime Minister in 1996, Binyamin Netanyahu called on a group of policy advisors in the United States to outline…
“Deadly Dogma” and the Drive for FARA, Espionage Act and Wire Fraud Prosecutions
Radio Interview – WBAI Pacifica On August 15, 2006 Grant Smith appeared with WBAI Radio host Shelton Walden to discuss the new book and how the IRmep’s Center for Policy and Law…
UN Resolution 1701 and the Underlying Drivers of Middle East Conflict
Radio Interview – WWRL New York Dr. Ron Daniels: “Now UN resolution 242. A lot of people get up and start pounding about the enforcement of these resolutions. There was all of a…
The ‘Clean Break’ Plan Scorecard
Television Interview – “Viewpoint” Viewpoint: Tell me about the “Clean Break” plans for Congressional support.Grant Smith: “In terms of Congressional support, it is amazing what this document states. For example there is…
AIPAC Espionage Case Dismissal Gambit Fails:
Ellis Opinion clears way for Logan Act and FARA Prosecutions
An August 9, 2006 opinion by presiding Judge TS Ellis III and forthcoming ruling has dealt a decisive blow to forces supporting full dismissal of the AIPAC espionage case. Defendants Rosen and Weissman, formerly…
Neoconservative Policy Front Groups
Radio Interview – KZYX & Z, 90.7, 91.5, Mendocino County Public Radio Grant Smith: “When we look at the tax filings of PNAC, what we notice is that although it is broadly…
A Whole New World by Darren Dahl
Inc Magazine The Middle East never appeared on Michael Connelly’s list of potential new markets when he thought about expanding overseas. Canada seemed like the next logical step for Connelly’s company, New…
Lebanon Burning
America is normally a “can-do” country, but not when it comes to Middle East policy. As a result of two “do-nothing” diplomats, one at the UN, the other in the State Department,…
“Saving Private Ryan” or the “Clean Break” Plan?
VOA Panel Discussion Pedro Rodriguez Diario ABC de Espanol: To me it looks like an amplified version of what happened in Gaza with Hamas last month (June) with the capture of a soldier….
Are the Final Stages of the Neoconservative “Clean Break” Plan Now Underway?
Israel’s extermination of a Palestinian family picnicking on the beach in June has touched off a growing regional conflict as Hamas and Hezbollah launched indiscriminate retaliatory attacks and detentions against the Jewish state. Israel has now unleashed a broad “collective punishment” campaign against critical infrastructure in…
IRmep referenced in “Soft Power: the Means to Success in World Politics”
by Joseph S. Nye, Jr, Dean of the Kennedy School of Government – Harvard University Chapter 2: “Sources of America’s Soft Power” pp. 43-44 The effects of the Iraq War should not…
The Ahmadinejad Letter and the Iran Nuclear Confrontation
VOA Panel Discussion Grant Smith, IRmep: I think their response was almost inevitable. We can see in the letter that Ahmadinejad at first tries to show some commonalties, and nexus between religions….