WASHINGTON, Feb. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — “The Israel Lobby & American Policy 2019 Conference” takes place all day on March 22 at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and will feature…
IRmep Poll: 41% want members of the U.S Congress to visit Palestinian territories
When asked, 41.2% of American adults recently polled said members making visits to Israel should also visit “territories where Palestinians expelled during Israel’s creation live.” Question: Should members of the US Congress…
Poll: 75% of Americans Oppose Outlawing Boycotts of Israel – Some fighting back over freedom of speech –
New legislation passed in the Senate seeks to legalize the right of individual state governments to force American companies to certify they won’t engage in economic boycotts of Israel as a condition…
What Israel lobbyists have been getting away with for years
Flashpoints host Dennis Bernstein and IRmep’s Grant F. Smith discuss the Twitter and media frenzy unleashed by Minnesota representative Ilhan Omar’s brief tweet about the Israel lobby and money. How did AIPAC…
IRmep Lawsuit: US nuclear “policy substitution” for Israel undermines NPT, AECA and bilks US taxpayers
On January 17, IRmep filed a 59-page brief (PDF HTML) in a lawsuit demanding release of a series of secret presidential letters promising not to force Israel to sign the Treaty on the…
NSC Swears US policy on Israel’s Nukes Is Legit
DOJ argues using secrecy to cover up wrongdoing is permissible Releasing secret presidential letters that promise not to officially recognize Israel’s nuclear weapons program or pressure Israel to sign the Treaty on…
FBI and CIA’s ‘Duty To Warn’ Victims of Israeli Nuclear Smuggling
$500 million Pennsylvania NUMEC toxic cleanup restarts In 2015 the intelligence community acknowledged that it had a “duty to warn” U.S. persons of impending threats of “serious bodily injury.” The objective of…
Should Americans Believe Gallup Polling Data?
A new look inside Gallup’s massive US Mint fraud The Gallup Organization was criminally charged in 2012 under the False Claims and Procurement Integrity Acts. The False Claims Act is the primary…
34% of Americans Believe US Elites Exploited 9/11 for Gain
They want government officials to be criminally prosecuted A single common theme emerges from most public discussions of U.S. foreign policy. No matter how widespread the carnage, devastating the financial impact or…
Israel and the Trillion-Dollar 2005-2018 US Intelligence Budget
Zero Days: US may have spent “billions” on cyber warfare to placate Israel The American public and think tank analysts are not supposed to know precisely how billions in taxpayer dollars flowing…
Virginians Oppose Taxpayer Subsidies for Israeli Business Projects – VCHR
NEWS PROVIDED BY Virginia Coalition for Human Rights RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 23, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — A plurality of Virginians (38.1%) favor ending taxpayer funding for Israeli business ventures in the commonwealth according to a Virginia Coalition…
Suit to Reveal Presidential Letters on Israeli Nuclear Arsenal
The Israelis have illegally collected more than $100 billion in US aid in violation of laws against giving money to nations that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation agreement, said Grant Smith,…
IRmep sues NARA for Secret Clinton and Bush Nuclear Pledges to Israel
NEWS PROVIDED BYInstitute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy, IRmep announces a lawsuit has been filed against the National Archives and Records Administration demanding immediate…
Americans Would Limit Aid to Nuclear Israel
State and Energy Depts fight to maintain secrecy Most Americans would place limitations on U.S. aid to Israel under laws triggered by its nuclear weapons program. When told the CIA believed Israel…
Treasury Sanctions Foreigners for Israel
Will Israel-lobby-captured OTFI sanction Americans? The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was ordered to register as an Israeli foreign agent on November 21, 1962 when it was part of the American Zionist Council….
Can the US Keep Lying About Israel’s Nukes?
A judge must soon decide Governmental lying by omission involves intentionally leaving out important facts to foster broad popular misconceptions. In 2012 the Obama administration promulgated a gag order in the form…
Meet VIAB: Virginia’s Taxpayer-Funded Israel Lobby
State funding for Israeli companies, politicized textbooks and fighting BDS The Virginia-Israel Advisory Board VIAB has one key difference with scores of privately funded state chambers of commerce created to foster closer economic integration between the…
Four Presidents Conspired To Give $100 Billion to Israel
Secret White House Letters Buttress Ongoing US Arms Export Control Act Violations The New Yorker staff writer Adam Entous revealed on June 18 that four sitting U.S. presidents beginning with Bill Clinton signed…