Pre-Invasion Neocon Propaganda Intro: The Pentagon has confirmed in a report that Saddam Hussein did not have links with Al Qaeda, one of the principal arguments of President George Bush for invading Iraq in 2003. There were…
Kiplinger Magazine Profiles IRmep Arab Trade Report
Problems in Iraq aren’t hurting U.S. exports to the Arab world. In fact, they’re boomingthis year and are on course to far outdo last year’s total of around $35 billion. The National…
Never Qualified to Lead the World Bank
Ousting Wolfowitz: Paul Wolfowitz has been blight upon the World Bank and a matter of shame for many Americans who are still seeking clarification over his role in developing and promoting fatally flawed US policies in…
US Exports to Arab World Surging, Report Says
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. exports to Arab nations are forecast to reach a record $45 billion in 2007, shattering the previous high set last year, according to a report released on Thursday…
Is the US Considered an “Honest Broker” in the Middle East?
VOA Panel Discussion Adriana Amat: What possibilities for peace in the Middle East do you see, between Israelis and Palestinians, and returning to psychological warfare, children in school are taught from a very…
An Iraq War Subsidy financed by Deficit Spending
Television Interview – “Viewpoint” IRmep: Larger companies, to some extent, and this is a really crass thing to say, but the calculation may be, “I can export microprocessors in PCs (personal computers)…
Report Analysis and Discussion The United States continues to tie Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations to political rather than economic objectives. The US has shunned negotiations with existing customs unions such as the GCC…
Visa Denied: How Anti-Arab Visa Policies Destroy Us Exports, Jobs and Higher Education
Visa processing barriers limiting inbound international business and pleasure travelers cost the United States economy billions of dollars in direct revenues while severing vital communications links to the Arab market. Total Arab…
Report Analysis and Discussion Al Jazeera: What are the direct and indirect economic impact of US visa obstacles in the Arab world? IRmep: In this first detailed study we have estimated approximately $101 billion…
Report Analysis and Discussion US Visa Policy Diminishing Exports and Manufacturing Jobs The arrival of Arab visitors to the US peaked in 2001 at 315,000 thousand entries. By 2005 the number had declined…
The Opportunity Cost of US Visa Denial
Radio Interview Los Angeles KPFK: Analysts at the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy released a report today stating the US economy has lost as much as $101 billion by excessively denying visas…
Visa Denied: How Anti-Arab Visa Policies Destroy US Exports, Jobs and Higher Education
IRmep Publishing Report Release In the aftermath of 9/11 US visa processing in the Arab world has ground to a halt. US consulates formerly striving to outsource key visa processes to travel agencies before the terror…
Escalation: Radio France Internationale
Ana Maria Corneja: President George Bush announced tonight that he would send 21,000 additional troops to Iraq, an unpopular measure opposed not only by Congress now controlled by Democrats, but also public opinion. …
Iraq: The New Nakba? VOA
Adriana Amat, VOA: Latin America is not really a priority for the United States, evidence of this includes the major foreign policy speech Bush Hill deliver in January will be about Iraq. What do…
From Lavon to Pierre Gemayel: Will We Ever Learn?
IRmep on the Diane Rehm Show – National Public Radio Steve Roberts, Syndicated Columnist: The big solution that is supposed to come out of the Baker-Hamilton commission is somehow expanded Middle East…
IRmep Regional Development Analysis Full Analysis (HTML)
Jane Harman: Unfit for Chair of the House Intelligence Committee
The recent Democratic Party take-over of the House and Senate has opened new leadership positions in many key committees. Representative Jane Harman is a six-term member of Congress who was widely thought…
Voters Insist on Qualified and Uncompromised Middle East Policymakers
Radio Interview Mendicino Public Radio KZYX “…there is a group that is as rabidly blinded [as the neocons] on the Democratic side that is chomping at the bit to bring their dogma…
Price Earnings Ratios Still Matter
AL-EQTISADIAH NEWSPAPER Emerging Arab Equities Markets The crash of the Saudi stock market in many respects has been different than the most recent crash affecting US investors. From September 2000 to January…
Israel Lobby Initiates Hispanic Strategy
“Invademos a Iran” AIPAC, the tip of the Israel lobby spear in Washington, began an executive search for a Deputy Director for Hispanic Outreach (PDF) in August of 2006. Reporting directly to AIPAC’s…