…Dennis Bernstein: Well, we are glad to have you. It is interesting. This seems to be a moment in history, although you wouldn’t know it from the press conference today, that people are starting to ask more questions about Israel, about the way in which they use force against the Palestinians.
The disproportionate force that many people now call a war crime. We have seen one more of these sort of wars, because everybody knows that Gaza is locked down. It’s 2 million people. Half of them are children, and every once in a while, the Gazans just get fed up, the rockets fly, and then Israel carries out a slaughter or they create so much tension and so many attacks and they take so much land and expanding the ethnic cleansing that in the West Bank people just can’t take it anymore, and the resistance continues. and we’re going to talk about that with grants with grant. Welcome back to fresh points, tell us about first of all, can you prove that Israel has a renegade nuclear weapons program? How do we know they do they?
Grant Smith: We did prove that. We sued under the Freedom of Information Act report and got a Department of Defense report a couple of years ago showing that they had all of the facilities and active programs to manufacture nuclear weapons. It’s been confirmed by President Jimmy Carter, and it’s also been released in a CIA report from 1974 about not only the nuclear weapons that they have, but also the range of the Jericho missiles at that time, they could deliver those nuclear weapons.
So there’s really no question that Israel has nuclear weapons. The real question is, and this is something that the Institute for Public Accuracy was interested in, Is the two laws, but one in particular, laying around, why is it that members of Congress who voice opposition to what’s going on with the use of US weapons against Gaza, which is you correctly state, is an extremely concentrated parcel of humanity, which is pretty much locked down from moving, whether it’s by sea or land or air, why is it that these tools to block such weapons transfers, we can’t really call them weapons sales, aren’t being used, particularly by the squad… More Audio Download