Foreign Agents crime linked to Marc Grossman

An FBI translator under gag order, Sibel Edmonds, has charged that former Ambassador Marc Grossman participated in a money laundering and international nuclear arms secrets smuggling ring, according to the London Times. Grossman was the former U.S. ambassador to Turkey, assistant secretary of state for European affairs during the Clinton administration and undersecretary of state for political affairs between 2001-2005. Grossman is now vice chairman of The Cohen Group, a Washington DC based consulting firm founded by former Clinton secretary of defense, William S. Cohen.
Sibel Edmonds has been placed under an unprecedented gag order by a federal judge, ostensibly to protect US “state secrets”. Congress has refused to allow Edmonds to testify in public, and mainstream US broadcast news outlets have not yet taken her up on her offer to divulge details on yet another ring of alleged rogue foreign agents committing crimes on US soil and abroad.