Senate Hearing on Foreign Agents Registration Act Alleged Russian meddling in the US electoral process will be the subject of a Senate Judiciary Hearing on Wednesday. The hearing is titled “Oversight of the…
Author: IRmep
10-year US Memorandums of Understanding with Israel: 2009-2018 and 2019-2028
The United States has given Israel more foreign assistance than any other country. In recent decades, a guaranteed aid minimum has been formalized through ten-year “memorandum of understanding” agreements signed by the US Department…
Poll: Most Americans Aren’t Zionists
But Democratic and Republican Party Platforms Are An unprecedented poll reveals the gaping void between American identification with Israel and the official positions taken by both major political parties. A majority of American…
70% of Americans Say “I Do Not Consider Myself A Zionist” – 6/15/2017
This unprecedented poll reveals the disconnect between the identity of American adults regarding Zionism and the official positions taken by their members of Congress. A majority—70.3 percent—do not consider themselves Zionists as…
Podcast – Nothing learned from 9/11: Trump in the Middle East
Summary: Grant Smith of IRmep, a keen observer of AIPAC and the institutions of the Israel Lobby, notes how the presence of right-wing pro-Israel, pro-settlers in Trump’s White House and family, makes…
37% Of Americans Believe South Korea, 28.5% believe Israel, Two Most Likely To Embroil US In Unnecessary War – 5/16/2017
Americans view South Korea and Israel as two U.S. allies most likely to “embroil the US in an unnecessary, protracted and costly war.” 36% of Americans believe South Korea is “most likely”…
Poll: Americans Believe South Korea and Israel ‘Most Likely’ Allies To Embroil US in War
Americans view South Korea and Israel as two U.S. allies most likely to “embroil the US in an unnecessary, protracted and costly war.” 36% of Americans believe South Korea is “most likely”…
How To Smuggle US Nuclear Triggers to Israel
New DHS files raise questions about Arnon Milchan’s US visa On May 3, 2017 the Department of Homeland Security released the most detailed files to date on the 1979-1983 Richard Kelly Smyth/Arnon…
IRmep Asks Appeals Court To Block Trump Transfer Of $3.7 Billion In US Aid To Nuclear Israel
Washington, DC – On May 8, 2017 IRmep Director Grant F. Smith filed an emergency motion asking the US Court of Appeals for an injunction on the immanent transfer of US foreign…
Letter from a Málaga City Jail
Smuggler sought help from a spy The following letter (original PDF) was obtained on May 4, 2017 by IRmep via the Freedom of Information Act (release letter PDF) from a classified FBI and Department of Homeland Security dossier….
Secret US Aid To Israel (Beyond The Billions Already Known About)
Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy in Washington, DC, discusses how difficult it is to get any information out of US intelligence agencies by using a…
CIA Fights Disclosure of Secret Aid to Israel
Legality of aid uncertain amidst public opposition On March 30 Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan found it “neither logical nor plausible” for the CIA to claim it had no intelligence budget expenditure data…
CIA Hammered After Shrug On Israel Records
WASHINGTON (CN) – A federal judge called it “neither logical nor plausible” Thursday that the CIA has no information about intelligence budget-line items earmarked for Israel between 1990 and 2015. The March…
IRmep sues for CIA files about the illegal diversion of US weapons-grade uranium from NUMEC
On February 13, 2015 IRmep filed a 147 page federal lawsuit (PDF) to compel the Central Intelligence Agency to release all of its files—including operations files—about the illegal NUMEC diversion. On August 31, 2015 (PDF) the…
New Polls: Americans Oppose Key Israel/lobby Programs
Solid majorities of Americans do not approve of major Israel/lobby programs, how they are won, and the vast amount of unconditional US diplomatic commitments and funding they consume. However, only by transforming…
Watch “The Israel Lobby And American Policy” conference
Conference Program 8:00-9:00 AM Registration and “Two Blue Lines”: A documentary film screening in the Ballroom. Exhibition hall opens in adjacent Holeman Lounge. 9:00 AM Conference Organizer Welcoming Remarks 9:10 AM Grant Smith: The series…
Watch “The Israel Lobby And American Policy” conference
Conference Program 8:00-9:00 AM Registration and “Two Blue Lines”: A documentary film screening in the Ballroom. Exhibition hall opens in adjacent Holeman Lounge. 9:00 AM Conference Organizer Welcoming Remarks 9:10 AM Grant Smith: The series…
Israel Lobby & American Policy 2017
Experts spoke about US foreign aid to Israel, what has changed, legislation against BDS, overcoming the Israel lobby in Congress, a Palestinian perspective on the “peace process,” the documentary film “Two Blue…
The Israel Lobby and American Policy conference will be held on March 24, 2017 in Washington
WASHINGTON, DC, October 19, 2016/PRNewswire-USNewswire/– Growing numbers of Americans question massive, automatic and unconditional U.S. support for Israel. The American Educational Trust, publisher of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, and the…
60% of Americans Believe US Foreign Aid to Israel is “Much Too much, Or Too Much” – 3/11/2017
When informed of its relative size and sponsor, 60 percent of Americans believe that US foreign aid to Israel is either “much too much, or too much”. They respond this way after…