On June 25-26 Jared Kushner orchestrated the “Peace to Prosperity” economic workshop in Bahrain. Kushner is President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and his senior adviser on negotiating a Middle East peace. The White…
Only 5.7% of Americans Say Israel Is the Top Meddler in US Elections
Skepticism about lobbying for foreign government “relationships” Mainstream news coverage of foreign government influence on U.S. elections has been extensive since allegations first surfaced about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race….
Only 5.7% of Americans say Israel is the top meddler in US elections, but nearly half skeptical of “lobbying for foreign government relationships”
Mainstream news coverage of foreign government influence on U.S. elections has been extensive since allegations first surfaced about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential race. According to a new poll, a solid…
Did Israel pull the U.S. out of compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
IRmep Director Grant F. Smith asks Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association if the long documented history of unpunished illegal diversions of U.S. nuclear weapons material, technology and know-how…
Did Israel pull the U.S. out of compliance with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
IRmep Director Grant F. Smith asks Daryl Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association if the long documented history of unpunished illegal diversions of U.S. nuclear weapons material, technology and know-how…
U.S. Israel Free Trade Agreement damage assessment
Why has the Israel Free Trade Area Agreement (ILFTA) been so bad for America? Will Israel and its lobby advance even worse U.S.-Israel initiatives? On this day 35 years ago following bitter complaints…
U.S. Israel Free Trade Agreement damage assessment
Why has the Israel Free Trade Area Agreement (ILFTA) been so bad for America? Will Israel and its lobby advance even worse U.S.-Israel initiatives? On this day 35 years ago following bitter complaints…
U.S. Israel Free Trade Agreement Damage Assessment
Why has the Israel Free Trade Area Agreement (ILFTA) been so bad for America? Will Israel and its lobby advance even worse U.S.-Israel initiatives? On this day 35 years ago following bitter complaints…
“Transcending the Israel Lobby at Home and Abroad” Conference, May 29, 2020, Washington, DC
WASHINGTON, Nov. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — This annual conference at the National Press Club in Washington, DC explores the latest research, innovations and tactics for countering the Israel lobby’s damaging policies in the U.S. and around the globe. This…
Lesson From FBI’s ‘Niger Uranium Forgeries’ File
There will be no consequences for twisting intelligence to attack Iran An analysis of 640 pages of FBI investigatory records obtained by IRmep under the Freedom of Information Act reveals how the FBI Director…
Lesson from FBI’s ‘Niger uranium forgeries’ file:There will be no consequences for twisting intelligence to attack Iran
An analysis of 640 pages of FBI investigatory records obtained by IRmep under the Freedom of Information Act reveals how the FBI Director limited Senator John D. Rockefeller’s urgent 2003 written demand…
Why talking about the Israel Lobby matters
Delinda Hanley
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
…So why can’t we talk about the Benjamins? American taxpayers provide Israel with more than $3.8 billion annually in military aid. You’ll be hearing more on that later from our conference co-organizer,…
Why talking about the Israel Lobby matters
Delinda Hanley
Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
…So why can’t we talk about the Benjamins? American taxpayers provide Israel with more than $3.8 billion annually in military aid. You’ll be hearing more on that later from our conference co-organizer,…
Israel’s Armor: The Israel lobby and the first generation of the Palestine conflict
Walter Hixson, University of Akron
…Let me conclude in the same spirit. Let us declare here today that if demanding the right to exist while denying it to your neighbor is not wrong, nothing is wrong. If…
What does a censored undercover news investigation reveal about the Israel lobby in America?
Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intafada
…These organizations include the Israel on Campus Coalition, The Israel Project, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies—it’s more like the foundation for defense of apartheid, occupation, sniper murder and so on….
U.S. foreign aid and the Israeli nuclear weapons program
Grant F. Smith, IRmep
…The policy goals of the entire U.S. policymaking community for the Israeli nuclear weapons program were to compel Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to uphold U.S. obligations under that treaty,…
Israel’s Armor: The Israel lobby and the first generation of the Palestine conflict
Walter Hixson, University of Akron
…Let me conclude in the same spirit. Let us declare here today that if demanding the right to exist while denying it to your neighbor is not wrong, nothing is wrong. If…
What does a censored undercover news investigation reveal about the Israel lobby in America? Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intafada
…These organizations include the Israel on Campus Coalition, The Israel Project, and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies—it’s more like the foundation for defense of apartheid, occupation, sniper murder and so on….
How The New York Times rigs news on Israel-Palestine
James North, Mondoweiss
…First, there’s nothing better than a little good old-fashioned Orientalism, trying to treat Muslims and Arabs as though they’re a different sort of human being who operate under different assumptions and are…
U.S. foreign aid and the Israeli nuclear weapons program Grant F. Smith, IRmep
…The policy goals of the entire U.S. policymaking community for the Israeli nuclear weapons program were to compel Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to uphold U.S. obligations under that treaty,…